sábado, 15 de junio de 2013


Early observations
Periodontal diseases, unlike caries, are not a by product of modern civilization. Manifesting themelves as ante mortem loss of alveolar bone, signs indicative of periodontal pathology were discovered in human specimens attributed to the Middle Pleisocene stage. For instance, indications of alveolar bone resorption were found in the 640- to 735,000- year-old Mauer mandible (Homo heidelbergensis) in
Germany, and in a 169- to 191,000-year-old mandible  that was unearthed at the Bau de lÕAubesier, Vaucluse, France. Such findings support the theory that
periodontal diseases have plagued humans and their phylogenetic ancestors for a very long time.

A N D R E W D E N T I N O , S E O K W O O L E E , J A S O N M A I L H O T & A R T H U R F. H E F T I, Principles of periodontology, Periodontology 2000, Vol. 61, 2013, 16–53

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