Almost two centuries after Eustachi, the French surgeon-dentist Pierre Fauchard (1678–1761) published Le Chirurgien Dentiste, a two-volume book dedicated to the practice of dentistry. Fauchards comprehensive work profoundly influenced the practice of dentistry. He pointed out that any dental disease can be allocated to one of only three classes, namely: (1) diseases with external cause, (2) (hidden) diseases
that attack those tooth parts embedded in the periodontium, and (3) (symptomatic) diseases caused by the teeth. Critical of the theories accepted by most physicians of his time, Fauchard postulated a humoral etiology of periodontal disease that is
modulated by local factors, e.g. calculus. To prevent gum disease, he recommended cleaning the teeth, massaging the gingiva with an astringent liquid, and washing the mouth with wine and water. Because of the spongy appearance of the gingiva that had similarity to gingiva he observed in patients with scurvy,
Fauchard called the phenotype "scurvy of the gums".
A N D R E W D E N T I N O , S E O K W O O L E E , J A S O N M A I L H O T & A R T H U R F. H E F T I, Principles of periodontology, Periodontology 2000, Vol. 61, 2013, 16–53
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