sábado, 15 de junio de 2013


 In 1563, the Italian Renaissance anatomist and physician Bartolomeo Eustachi (1514–1574) com-
pleted  Libellus de Dentibus, the first book dedicated exclusively to the description of teeth . He was
the first to describe the periodontal ligament, as well as the deciduous and permanent dentitions. Eust-
achis profound understanding of head anatomy and his amazing eye for the detail led him to link increased tooth mobility at an advanced age with widening of the space between the root and the alveolar bone.
Similarly remarkable, he prescribed the removal of calculus and granulation tissue using scalers and cu-
rettes, respectively, to encourage re-attachment of periodontal tissues to loose teeth

A N D R E W D E N T I N O , S E O K W O O L E E , J A S O N M A I L H O T & A R T H U R F. H E F T I, Principles of periodontology, Periodontology 2000, Vol. 61, 2013, 16–53

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